Having Painful Sex? Look to Your Pelvic Floor

There are so many unanswered questions and awkward taboos about what happens in the bedroom, but there shouldn't be any of that when pain is involved. Painful sex can happen for any number of reasons—the connection with your partner, a tight pelvic floor or perhaps stress and emotions. The good news is that there are ways to help, and Sex and Relationship Therapist Dr. Carli Blau is here to answer some top questions. What’s the connection between the pelvic floor and painful sex?  If the pelvic floor is inflamed or tight it can cause physical discomfort during sexual activity, foreplay and even sexual intercourse. Sometimes women even experience nerve pain from pelvic floor dysfunction that can impact that vestibule (entrance of the vagina) or other areas of the vagina and vulva. How can women having painful sex begin to incorporate pelvic floor exercises into their routine?  If you are experiencing pelvic pain, or pain in or around your vagina I would suggest seeing an OB/GYN and a pelvic floor therapist for a comprehensive exam to determine the cause of your pain. This is particularly important to do prior to incorporating pelvic floor exercises from the Pvolve Method as they can exacerbate painful symptoms.  What can women do during sex to help with this pain?  Many women (and men too, because men also experience pelvic floor dysfunction!) who experience painful sex often go to pelvic floor physical therapy. Sex therapy can be a great option too. Sex therapy is talk-only psychotherapy focused on understanding a persons experience with sex. Sex is more than just a physical experience; it is a full body experience that incorporates the mind! While physical parts of the body may be worked on in physical therapy,  the mental and emotional parts are left behind. Oftentimes when sex is painful due to a medical condition, people can develop a fear to engage in sexual activity. This fear is more than just physical; it's psychological and often about control, not just the physical pain. Is it true that sex shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, something is wrong? I always tell clients, sex isn’t always comfortable, but that doesn’t always mean if it is occasionally painful that something is wrong. If you’re bleeding every time you have sex, or if it is painful every time, it is important to see a doctor for a proper evaluation. However, if sex sometimes hurts, it could be as simple as a lack of lubrication, a tight pelvic floor, stress and tension or even just penetration that was too deep. If you aren’t lubricated or relaxed enough, sex can be incredibly uncomfortable and that does not mean something is wrong. It simply means you may just need a great lube and a few deep breaths. Lubrication is so incredibly important, and yet something not discussed enough.  Often women tell their doctors about pain related to sexual contact but do not discuss the types of sexual activity or positions with their doctor.  It is unfortunate, but most doctors are not taught more than basic sex education in their training to become medical providers. I hope that as we continue to grow and develop more programs that we begin to incorporate more than sex education based in biology, but one that creates comfort for providers to discuss sex related issues and experiences with their patients. Why can sex be painful after you haven’t done it in a while?  If you work out for the first time in months, or have never worked out and then begin, you are going to be sore. It is the same thing with sex. The vagina and pelvic floor are parts of the body made up of muscles and tissue that can become uncomfortable when penetrated for the first time in a long time. It may not even hurt during the sexual contact when endorphins and dopamine are released in the brain due to pleasure, but may be uncomfortable afterward. This is a great example of why sometimes discomfort doesn’t mean something is wrong! If you haven’t done Pvolve in a month, and then did a work out you’d probably be sore… think of it the same way!   MORE ABOUT CARLI: Dr. Carli Blau, LMSW, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy, is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist who specializes in women’s health including infertility, endometriosis, and PCOS. She is certified in Maternal Mental Health, received her Master’s of Social Work from Columbia University, a Master of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy studying infertility and sexual esteem in women trying to conceive. 

4 Things to Know About Your Pelvic Floor & Your Orgasm

There are so many question marks surrounding the female orgasm, so we're here to talk about one of the biggest factors in it actually happening: your pelvic floor. Of course, there are so many other elements that help you reach climax—your partner, foreplay, stimulation—but it's your pelvic floor muscles that can make or break the Big O. Sex & Relationship Therapist Carli Blau, LCSW, breaks it down once and for all. 1. YOUR PELVIC FLOOR AND YOUR ORGASM ARE CLOSELY LINKED. When an orgasm occurs, there is a uterine contraction, and then the muscles around the pelvic floor contract. That’s why your body may jerk or move in a quick way when it happens – the muscles tense when the orgasm occurs. 2. YOUR PELVIC FLOOR CAN BE WHAT'S PREVENTING YOU FROM HAVING AN ORGASM If the pelvic floor is too tight, there might not so much to contract because the muscles are so tight already. If the pelvic floor is too loose, on the other hand, it might be difficult to feel an orgasm. Tightening it might help it feel more profound. 3. YOUR WORKOUTS MAY BE OVER-STRENGTHENING YOUR PELVIC FLOOR. If you have never had your pelvic floor evaluated, you may not know if your pelvic floor is normal, hypertonic or hypotonic, and therefore, you may not know what workouts are best for you. For someone with a hypertonic pelvic floor, core and pelvic floor muscles may be so tight that they aren’t able to achieve an intense orgasm, or one at all. If part of the orgasmic pleasure is from the muscle contractions, one can imagine without these contractions, an orgasm may feel less intense. The Pvolve Method is great because you can use your equipment to do a well-balanced, full-body workout. If your pelvic floor is hypertonic, there are other ways to utilize Pvolve equipment to strengthen your arms and the rest of your body. That way, you’re not increasing your pelvic floor strength, but rather strengthening other important parts of your body. You can also tap into the mindfulness and breathwork classes to release the tension in your pelvic floor. 4. BUT, YOUR WORKOUTS CAN ALSO HELP STRENGTHEN YOUR PELVIC FLOOR IF NEEDED. Someone with a hypotonic pelvic floor may want to exercise and tighten their pelvic floor and core. That's where our Pelvic Floor Strengthening Program can help. In this six-part series, trainer Alexia Acebo and Dr. Amy Hoover, Chief Physical Therapist and member of the Clinical Advisory Board, provide step-by-step instruction on how to engage your pelvic floor—starting with gentle breath work and moving into more intense movements with equipment. MORE ABOUT CARLI: Dr. Carli Blau, LMSW, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy, is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist who specializes in women’s health including infertility, endometriosis, and PCOS. She is certified in Maternal Mental Health, received her Master’s of Social Work from Columbia University, a Master of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy studying infertility and sexual esteem in women trying to conceive. 

There's A Science to A Strong Pelvic Floor

Your pelvic floor—just like your arms, abs and glutes—can be strengthened and weakened with exercise and everyday activity. But just how much attention should you give to making this essential muscle group as strong as can be? Two of our experts, Sex and Relationship Therapist Carli Blau and Pvolve Chief Physical Therapist Dr. Amy Hoover, are here to give you a well-rounded understanding of all that goes on down below. It's the perfect pelvic floor refresher before diving into our Pelvic Floor Strengthening Program. How does someone know if they have a weak pelvic floor?  Carli: We’ve already discussed getting a pelvic floor diagnosis to know what kind of pelvic floor you have, but so many women explain afterwards that they wish someone told them they would have an intravaginal exam. Regardless, during this evaluation is when someone can learn if their pelvic floor is weakened. A hypotonic pelvic floor dysfunction could come in the form of urinary incontinence. So, think of it as the opposite of a hypertonic (or too tight) pelvic floor. You could leak, a trickle of pee and then an overfilled bladder. Women aren’t alone—men can experience both of these, as well! They may also benefit from the Pvolve Method, too. How will a first-time pelvic floor exam go? Dr. Amy: Pelvic floor therapy is no different than other therapy, except one thing: an internal vaginal or rectal exam if warranted, and of course consented to. These therapists are specially trained to do an internal exam of your pelvic floor.  So what does that actually mean? It'll start with a general assessment to talk more about your issues, plus more detailed things like assessing your breathing pattern, checking on your abdominal wall and trigger points. The therapist will first do a visual exam of the external genital area, urethra, clitoris and anus, checking for skin integrity or signs of irritation. They may use a light to have better visibility. Then, they'll usually check the outer layer or superficial layer of pelvic floor muscles, in the area of the vulva, labia and perineum. They’ll ask you to contract your pelvic floor and watch to see if the perineum draws up and in towards your head. Then they will ask you to bear down or push like you’re going to the bathroom, which is an active lengthening of the pelvic floor. If needed, they'll use lubricant or will insert one or two fingers to check the deeper pelvic floor muscles for resting muscle tone, tight bands and of course strength. (One other thing to note is that we do not use a speculum like gynecologists, because we are examining muscle and not the uterus or cervix.) After going through these steps and trials, your doctor will likely be able to suggest a treatment plan with you.  How can exercise help work the pelvic floor to strengthened, but not too tight? Carli: If the pelvic floor is too tight, you can exercise muscles around the pelvic floor to release the pelvic floor and not have to strengthen it any more to become even tighter. Or, you can use something like Pvolve to hone in on this particular area.  Dr. Amy: In general, women with hypertonic pelvic floor or PFD (pelvic floor dysfunction) should not be strengthening the pelvic floor. It’s like if you have a hamstring strain or pulled muscle you would not want to do a bunch of hamstring curls or strengthening as this could make it worse. However, movement and hip openers can help reduce tone in the pelvic floor and can reduce symptoms. Pvolve's hip and pelvic recovery workouts would also be beneficial for this group. How long can I expect to see and feel my pelvic floor getting stronger?  Carli: It depends on the symptoms you experience as a result of your pelvic floor. From a sexual perspective, if you’re experiencing a stronger orgasm, or feeling like there’s less of an urge to pee before or after sex, if you’re able to feel more during sex, then you can maybe feel those changes. The most common one that I see is when a woman has increased core and pelvic floor strength, and has a stronger orgasm as a result of it.  Dr. Amy: It can take up to 6-8 weeks of consistent pelvic floor exercise to build muscle, but you may feel changes within a week or two of starting pelvic floor strengthening. The most important goal early on is to be able to understand and feel what you are doing so that you can do it correctly. Building a strong mind-body connection with your pelvic floor can help you engage these muscles correctly during larger body movements, but that takes practice. Starting by practicing isolated pelvic floor contractions while lying or sitting still helps build this connection and awareness. This can help you in situations where you might need some extra help from your pelvic floor, like coughing, sneezing or lifting. If you do these things mindfully and functionally, your body may eventually learn to do it automatically.   You might notice your pelvic floor getting stronger and more flexible with improved incontinence, less heavy feeling in the perineum or vagina, easier bowel movements and better sensory awareness during sex. Pelvic floor strength can gradually increase over a long period of time, but smaller wins can come with immediate changes to your movements. CARLI BLAULMSW, M.Ed, M.A., Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Sex Therapy   Carli Blau is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist who specializes in women’s health including infertility, endometriosis, and PCOS. She is certified in Maternal Mental Health, received her Master’s of Social Work from Columbia University, a Master of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy studying infertility and sexual esteem in women trying to conceive.  DR. AMY HOOVERDPT, Chief Physical Therapist               Dr. Amy Hoover is Pvolve’s Doctor of Physical Therapy and the owner and operator of APHysio  LLC, wellness practice that specializes in manual therapy, pre and post-natal care, pelvic floor disorders and more. Here at Pvolve, she’s able to share her expertise directly with our community as it applies to the method and its impact on the body.  Not a member yet? Start your free trial for access to our library of on-demand classes and start working out with us today. 

Survivor Stories: Judy A.'s Breast Cancer Recovery

In the spirit of being Unfiltered for the month of October and in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we're proud to share inspiring stories from our members who have battled or are currently battling breast cancer. This is more than just a chance to see how movement and Pvolve played a role in their journey; it's an opportunity for the women in our community to take the mic and share their stories in the most honest, raw way—no filters needed. Most know how impactful the Pvolve method can be on your body no matter where you are in life. For those battling or recovering from illness, it's our functional fitness method that can be a small piece of reprieve from pain.  Meet Judy—an L.A. native who joined the Pvolve family in April. Since then, she's done both on-demand videos and Virtual Studio classes, racked up an impressive set of equipment and set a consistent schedule of 5-6 workouts per week. But by the looks of her story, her workouts are more than just workouts; they're the way she found the upper-body alignment her body was looking for, the alone time she needed and so much more. Below, Judy shares her beautiful story:   I discovered a marble-sized mass in November 2018. I have no family history of breast cancer and never considered it occurring to me. I remember getting a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy and not worrying because I was confident it was ”going to turn out to be nothing." When I found out I had stage 2 breast cancer, I was in total disbelief. I considered myself a very healthy, fit women in her 40’s. Over the course of 8 months, I ended up needing surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. I can now accept that I was sick for a while but I made a conscious effort to stay positive the whole time.  Two things saved my sanity during my medical care. One, I made it a priority to exercise the entire time no matter how weak I felt. Two, I was overwhelmed by kindness and support from family, friends and people I didn't even know who cared.  The importance of Pvolve has been in my recovery. I found myself needing physical therapy to help my range of motion after tissue changes from surgery and radiation. My arm and shoulder was very stiff. I discovered Pvolve when it popped up on my IG feed. I looked up the workouts and the use of functional movements and high-intensity, low-impact exercises really drew me in. I believe Pvolve will remain in my routine lifelong just as yoga does. I have always made exercise a priority. The physical benefits aside, I need exercise as my therapy. It is the only moment in the day when I am not a mom, a wife, a nurse. It is my alone time that makes me a better, happier person.  Looking back at my journey, I wish I had not been so assumptive about my health. The confidence I felt that I was doing everything right, made me never consider cancer as a possibility I hope when people hear my story, they will remember cancer does not discriminate. It's not your fault; it just happened. The defining moment is how you deal with something negative and see the positive that results from it. I'm still strong, I am still healthy, surrounded by love and I look at life with gratitude.  When you have cancer, it is easy to be the victim and let people feel pity for you.  I am not cancer, it does not define me. I take ownership of cancer as a small part of who I am. I actually revel in the fact that I look healthy and strong despite what I've been through.  Thank you, Judy Koempel Join us in supporting breast cancer research by signing up for one of our Moves for Boobs classes on 10/11 and 10/23. All proceeds from these two classes, as well as 10% of all sitewide proceeds for the week of 10/11, will be donated to the Society of Women's Health Research.

An Unfiltered Look at the Pelvic Floor

It's time we get to the bottom of something most women probably don't think about as often as they should: the pelvic floor. Yep, that's the bottom we're talking about. You might have heard your doctor or a Pvolve trainer mention the group of muscles that lives somewhere down there. But in order to really feel it in action, we first have to understand its purpose and its function. Below, Sex and Relationship Therapist Carli Blau goes deep on the pelvic floor: What’s the #1 thing women of all ages should know about their pelvic floor? The #1 thing women of all ages need to know about the pelvic floor is that each woman’s pelvic floor is unique. Unless there is pain, women are often not educated about their pelvic floor, what it is or what it does. There are two types of pelvic floors: hypertonic and hypotonic. If the pelvic floor is hypertonic, it means the pelvic floor muscles are too tight, which can lead to physical discomfort including sexual dysfunction. If it is hypotonic the pelvic floor muscles are too loose, which often occur post childbirth, specifically vaginal birth. This does not mean that every woman who has delivered vaginally will experience a “loose pelvic floor” but it does mean that if a woman does have a hypotonic pelvic floor, there are pelvic floor exercises and physical therapy that can help restore proper pelvic floor functioning. Women deserve to know the implications for these different types of pelvic floors and how they can impact them. What is the biggest misconception about the pelvic floor? The biggest misconception about the pelvic floor is that everyone’s pelvic floor needs to be tighter and that if you have a really strong pelvic floor, your orgasm is going to be amazing. This isn’t necessarily the case, because for some women who have a really, really tight pelvic floor (or hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction), the tightness of the pelvic floor can cause a difficulty with orgasming as well as painful sex.   How do I know what kind of pelvic floor I have? A pelvic floor therapist can do a pelvic floor evaluation. Knowing what kind of pelvic floor you have can help you choose what kind of exercises will be best for you. For a lot of women who focus on strengthening their core in workouts, it’s very important to know about their pelvic floor because then you know if you’re strengthening your body, or if you’re providing too much strength that can work against you.  If you’re feeling any type of discomfort—pelvic pain, groin pain, if sex is painful for you, incontinence or a hard time peeing—I strongly suggest you have a pelvic floor examination done to rule out pelvic floor dysfunction. If you’re someone who works out often and working out is a major part of your routine, it could just be great for you to know what kind of pelvic floor you’re working with. Why should women think about engaging their pelvic floor just as much as they engage their glute muscles during workouts?  The pelvic floor and your core are the foundation of your body— it’s your rock, it’s what supports your body and it’s your body’s center of stability. So, you may want toned glutes (and I don’t blame you! ) but if you don’t value the foundation of your body, eventually the stronger parts of your body will wear on the rest because the base is not strong enough to withhold its entirety.  I’d also add that the pelvic floor and core give you strength to work on these other parts of your body better—your glute muscles, your legs, your arms. Without a strong core and pelvic floor, it’s really hard to optimize the rest of these muscles without a strong core and foundation.  How can women safely make pelvic floor health a priority in their workout routine? Too much of a good thing is still too much. You can engage in spinning or running, but incorporating your pelvic floor in other workouts like Pvolve can be a great way to supplement for the workouts that don’t use your pelvic floor as much.   MORE ABOUT CARLI: Dr. Carli Blau, LMSW, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy, is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist who specializes in women’s health including infertility, endometriosis, and PCOS. She is certified in Maternal Mental Health, received her Master’s of Social Work from Columbia University, a Master of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in Clinical Sex Therapy studying infertility and sexual esteem in women trying to conceive. 

The Science 'Behind' the Butt

The Pvolve Method focuses so much on working the glute muscles, but it’s not only to get a plump, lifted backside.   What are the glute muscles?  The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body and therefore is responsible for so much of our strength, mobility and daily function.   Think of the butt as the engine of the body—if it’s not working properly, that can cascade into dysfunction in other parts of the body.   Where are the glute muscles?  The glutes live at the crossroads of the upper and lower body, allowing it to act as a center point along with the core, holding everything together. They don’t just help you sit, stand and run; they play a role in everything from the waist to the foot, to the lower back up through the shoulders. Once you understand how the butt plays a pivotal role in the way the body moves, you’ll begin to see how a method like Pvolve is crucial to reinforcing great biomechanics for total body function.    How to activate the glute muscles  Some fitness methods work the glutes with squats and lunges, but this only works the muscles in a one-dimensional way. Instead, we activate the entire area at every angle. Creating proper glute function in all three planes of motion—frontal, sagittal and transverse—is necessary to tone every part of the thighs, too. Working the backside in every plane of motion also helps prevent dormant butt syndrome, in which the glute muscles are weak and underactive. Dormant butt often occurs due to tightness and overuse of the hip flexors and from prolonged periods of sitting with the glutes in an overextended position, but can be fixed with getting up and moving, especially focusing on mindful activation of the glute muscles and strengthening and stretching of the hip musculature.    By focusing on how the glutes operate—turning them on and keeping them on through functional rather than isometric exercises—you can transform your body from head to toe. Activation and function are key, and by taking this approach you will work every single part of the butt rather the just one section of it. The result won’t just be a lifted, well-rounded butt, but a backside that feels better and works the way it was intended, too.  

5 Steps to Sciatica Pain Relief

Did you know that sciatica is a symptom and not a condition itself? Sciatica is experienced as pain, tingling, numbness or a shooting sensation down the leg when there is pressure on the sciatic nerve. The two most common reasons for pressure on the sciatic nerve are herniated discs or piriformis syndrome, but pregnancy, muscle spasms and general immobility can also cause this pain.  Every day, natural movements and physical therapy are often prescribed to heal sciatic nerve pain, but our functional exercises can help further heal these areas while still providing an energizing, sculpting workout.   Work in a neutral spine  If you are suffering from sciatica caused by a herniated disc in your lower back, you want to make sure that you always maintain a long lower back, otherwise called a “neutral spine”. A neutral spine means you maintain the natural curvature in your spine without allowing for any arching or rounding to keep your natural alignment. Use your lower abs by pulling in and up to help support your lower back and prevent overarching. A herniated disc causes the cushioning between your vertebrae to push back on your spine and so rounding or arching your lower back will only increase that pressure which is why we need to avoid these movements. During Pvolve workouts, always be sure to use the p.stance position at top of mind to avoid pressure on the lower back: hinge at your hips, keep your abs pulled in, and keep your lower back in a neutral position. Stretching is key If you have piriformis syndrome, which is when the piriformis muscle in the glutes spasm and cause pain, there’s no better area to focus on than the outer glutes. Stretches such as pigeon, lizard, butterfly, figure four and others that stretch this area are great ways to relieve some of the pain. Keep in mind that with these stretches, you’ll want to keep that same neutral spine we already discussed. Check out the Recover & Stretch section of our streaming platform to get started.  Improve your posture  When working with disc herniations, keeping your posture strong will help you avoid the arching and rounding through your natural curvature. Work to keep your shoulders above your hips, chest open, and length through the lower back curvature to stand tall and allow the body to fall into its natural alignment.  Avoid twisting  If working with a disc herniation, avoid major twists and rotations of the spine to avoid further compressing into the vertebrae. Every Pvolve movement can be modified accordingly.    Go slow and take breaks as needed  Listen to your body! If you are experiencing a flare up, that may mean it’s time to rest and recover. Slow movements down or keep the movements smaller so you can work within a more comfortable range. Your body gives you the information you need, sometimes it’s about listening to its signals! 

5 Moves to Improve Your Running Stride

One of the strongest aspects of the Pvolve Method is how versatile it is. If you’re a swimmer, you’ll see similar arm movements to those you’d do in the pool; as an athlete, you’ll learn to train your muscles properly for optimal performance.   The same goes for runners who look for that pre-jog warmup or a post-jog cool down. Our functional movements can help runners align the upper body for better posture and improve full-body biomechanics for a better, more stable stride. The Best Movements to Improve Your Stride The moves focus on opening the hip flexors, glutes, calves and hamstrings—areas that typically get overworked or worn down from runs. Incorporate them into your warm up before your next run. Front Hip Stretch  Benefit: Opening up this front chain of the body will help you stand taller and relieve any fatigue in the hip flexors, common for runners.   Take a giant step forward, keeping both heels down, and reach up to the ceiling. Focus on elongating throughout the entire core and the hip flexor on your back leg. Reach arms up and over to a high diagonal, away from front hip to sway pelvis to the side. Bring body back to center and return to your hip hinge. Repeat 8 times on each side. Butt & Hamstring Stretch  Benefit: These stretches will release your glutes, hips and hamstrings to increase mobility and ease. From the same step forward position, sway your hips back, bending deeply into your back knee to open up along your front hamstring. Reach hands toward the floor and then return to starting position. Repeat 8 times on each side. Glute Rotation Benefit: This open step will stretch the inner thighs and strengthen the tops of the thighs, while the rotation engages all of your core muscles—two areas that require a lot of attention during runs. Starting in a hip hinge, externally rotate to one side, stepping foot back to a wide open-step position. Twist and rotate the same side arm to open the entire chest and upper body. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 times on each side. Hip Mobilizer   Benefit: Creating abdominal strength and support in the upper body will assist you greatly in maintaining good posture during your run to increase your stamina and endurance!    From your open step position, turn hips now to now face your front leg, rotating to an internal 45. Reach your opposite arm toward your front leg, taking a rotation of the upper body. Alternate between these two angles. Repeat 8 times on each side.  Posture Aligner   Benefit: The p.band allows for activation of the upper back muscles, specifically engaging the lats, rhomboids, and erector muscles, and opens up the chest to improve the common postural misalignment of the shoulders rounding forward. Start in a hip hinge position with box arms. Step one foot back to a step back, heel up and driving energy through the floor to engage your glutes. Pump arms from a wide box to a forward reach, engaging underneath the armpits and back muscles. Repeat 8 times on each side.  How to Incorporate Pvolve Into Your Running Routine In addition to the moves above, shorter Strength & Sculpt classes make for a great pre-run warm up to wake up the body, promote mobility and activate your muscles ahead of your run.  Alternating longer Strength & Sculpt and Progressive Weight Training workouts with your running routine can help you build mobility and stability, and strengthen your runs. Recover & Stretch classes are perfect for your post-run routine to allow your body to cool down and start the recovery process. 

5 Ways to Stay Hydrated All Summer Long

Whether exercising or not, drinking enough water throughout the day is so important. Not only does it help us in warmer weather, but it also helps us function properly. That means proper digestion, energy levels, clear skin and so much more.  In honor of National Hydration Day, read up on our best tips for getting enough water into your diet. 1. Give yourself daily reminders.  Set reminders on your phone or leave yourself a post-it note on the fridge to drink your fluids! It is so important to stay hydrated throughout the day and not wait too late in the day to get started. Our bodies thrive on hydration, especially in the morning when we wake up dehydrated and reach for the coffee before anything else. Try setting an alarm on your phone every hour and drink eight ounces of water to maintain steady levels of hydration throughout the day. 2. Don’t just drink your water—eat it, too. A large portion of our daily water intake comes from the foods that we eat. Choosing nutritious foods that boast high water content will help keep your body hydrated along with drinking water. Fruits and vegetables are incredibly nourishing, hydrating and are packed with essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body functioning and happy at its highest level. Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries are great options for foods with high water content to snack on throughout the day.  3. Infuse your water. For those who get bored with drinking plain water, try adding natural flavor to give it a boost. Fresh mint, citrus, cucumbers and berries are all delicious options to level up your flavor and nutrition content!  4. Invest in a reusable water bottle. Carrying around a nice water bottle will remind and motivate you to stay hydrated throughout the day. Plus, it’s also a money saver and better for the environment. 5. Opt for tea. Sipping on herbal tea, whether steeped from a bag or made fresh, is another way to stay hydrated without having to drink plain water. The medicinal benefits of herbs are endless from promoting detoxification to regulating digestion. Avoid adding refined sugar to your tea and instead use natural, raw honey in moderation or fresh lemon. For more summer nutrition tips, read about how to stay healthy at a BBQ, or start your fitness journey with a free 14-day trial.

Ask Amy: Will Exercise Worsen Fibromyalgia Pain?

We’re proud to have Amy Hoover on board as Pvolve’s Doctor of Physical Therapy, where she’s able to consult the entire community about the method and how it impacts the body. In our Ask Amy series, she answers your questions first hand so you can get the most out of your work with Pvolve. One of the most unique parts of our workouts is that they’ll keep you safe from injury and free of pain. Every low-impact rep properly engages muscles and minimizes next-day soreness, joint tension and other pain points often associated with exercise. But what about when you start with preexisting pain? Does extra movement help, or hurt? This week, our resident physical therapist Dr. Amy Hoover explains a common pain-related disorder, fibromyalgia, and how the Pvolve method can help diminish pain and be a source of regular, consistent workouts. What is fibromyalgia and what effects does it have on the body? According to the CDC, fibromyalgia is a disorder where one experiences widespread body pain, fatigue, sleep problems and emotional distress. The cause is unknown. This disorder was once diagnosed by checking 18 different points on the body for muscle pain or tenderness, also called trigger points. More recently, the diagnosis can be made through patient history, bloodwork and exam. It is thought to be associated with other autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, but not always. How can exercise help those with fibromyalgia? Exercise is an important part of managing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Many people affected by fibromyalgia can fall into the fear-avoidance loop—they fear exercise will cause more pain, so they avoid moving altogether. However, if one has chronic pain or whole-body pain, regular movement is essential for maintaining mobility and the ability to perform normal daily functions. If we want to be able to move, we must move!  Specifically for this condition, low impact, resistance-based, mindful exercise is recommended to help improve blood flow to the muscles, improve strength and flexibility and eventually relieve some of the pain associated with fibromyalgia. The Pvolve method is a great option for those with this condition as it offers a wide range of beginner to advanced workouts, both short and long duration, and can always be modified without equipment when needed. Are there any negative impacts of exercise for those with fibromyalgia? Starting an exercise program when you have fibromyalgia can be very challenging and frustrating. It may worsen pain at first because your body is not used to it. You want to be mindful of listening to your body but also “nudge the pain” a little bit. Note your pain on a scale of 0 (none) to 10 (worst pain) and stay below 4 out of 10 or take frequent rests. With fibromyalgia, specifically, starting with very short periods of exercise is recommended, about 5-10 minutes a day. What might be some good workouts or movements to get started? Pvolve offers many options for people suffering from fibromyalgia. I would recommend starting with a few of the method tutorials on foundational moves, which are only a few minutes long each. When you can do these, try a beginner workout with no equipment. Press pause as needed. Try to increase the amount of time you exercise by a few minutes each week. You can also try a series such as the 8 Day Foundation Series to start. As you feel better and are able to exercise longer, you can add resistance such as the p.ball, light ankle band or hand weights for more of a challenge. What modifications can be made, if needed? As mentioned above, you can always press pause, go slower or even do half of the workout. All Pvolve workouts can be done without equipment. You can also reduce the range of motion of movements for modification. How effective is recovery for those with fibromyalgia? Recovery days are important and a great option between more active days, or even as a place to start if you have fibromyalgia. These workouts focus on stretching and lengthening the body to help ease our functional movements throughout our day and counteract long periods of inactivity where our muscles can tighten up and shorten. Try our 10-Minute Upper Body Release​ or ​Summit Boost: Recovery Stretch​ which are both short but effective in easing muscle tension.  Not a member yet? Start your free trial here for access to these programs and recovery videos. Or, see here for more on recovery from Dr. Amy.         We are proud to announce Amy as Pvolve’s Doctor of Physical Therapy, consulting the entire    community about their work with our method. She’ll be continually providing feedback and answering important questions for the Pvolve community, so keep an eye out for her advice on the blog. Feel free to email community@pvolve.com for topics you’d like Amy to cover!   

No Equipment? With These Tips, It's No Problem

If you’ve exercised using any of Pvolve’s equipment, you know that they can take your workouts up a notch. Each piece, from our first-to-market p.ball to our versatile gliders, is designed to provide deep resistance for intense body sculpting. But if you don’t have your gear on hand, know that you can still get next-level results with the Pvolve Method. In fact, learning to move without equipment is hugely beneficial. Equipment-free workouts such as calisthenics (or resistance training) rely on your own bodyweight to tone and strengthen. And Pvolve’s very own master trainer and Director of Programming Maeve McEwen has some tips to share for your own no-gear workouts. They’ll come in handy whether you’re a newbie just starting out with Pvolve, traveling without your favorite Pvolve products, or simply looking to change up your movements in whatever way you can. The Benefit of Calisthenics vs. Weights There’s a common misconception that bodyweight workouts won’t give you as good of a burn as one that uses equipment or weights. The truth is, both can be equally effective with proper form and muscle engagement, says Maeve. “With intentional movements and perfect form, working out with just your own bodyweight can be a great way to improve strength, joint function, and mind-body connection.” In fact, bodyweight workouts and calisthenics (exercises designed to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement) can turn on and deeply activate muscles in preparation for movement with equipment. “Working out without equipment requires you to move more intentionally and have more mental focus,” Maeve explains. “When you are not using equipment, the main focus of your workout should be to actively engage every muscle in your body while focusing on your form." Think of it this way: If you set a strong foundation first with just bodyweight training or calisthenics, it will be easier to translate that into more challenging movements when you do add in resistance of equipment or weights. And once you establish this foundation, the use of equipment (while keeping perfect form!) will further sculpt your body by firing up hard to reach muscles. 2 Bodyweight Workouts to Try Try two of Maeve’s favorite moves to feel the power of no-equipment-needed bodyweight workouts in action. Sit to Stand Begin in a deep hip hinge with your weight loaded back into your glutes and arms extended back. Squeeze your glutes and push into the floor as your sweep your arms overhead and stand tall keeping your core engaged. Pull your arms down to the side engaging your biceps and squeezing your shoulder blades together (as if you’re pulling a resistance band down from the ceiling!). Load back into your hinge as you actively squeeze your triceps to extend the elbows.  Gradually pick up speed and repeat for 30-45 seconds. Abdominal Curl Begin on your back with your core braced and legs in tabletop position. Exhale to activate deeper into your core as you push both of your hands into your thigh while equally pushing your thigh back into your hands. Maintain the core activation, inhale and reach your arms and legs away from your midline.  Return to the start position and repeat for 10-12 reps.Not a member yet? Start your free trial for access to our library of on-demand classes and try our 8-Day No Equipment Series today.

How At-Home Workouts Helped 4 Women See Results

When it comes to online workout programs, it’s so important that every workout is as convenient as it is effective. And that’s exactly what we aim to create with our at-home streaming challenges. We kicked off 2020 with our biggest challenge yet—the Summit 60. The 8-week challenge started at the base of the summit, where streamers learned every foundational step and fundamental move that would help them progress through future workouts. Every workout built upon the next, incorporated more equipment and became more challenging for even greater total-body results.  In the end, 5,058 of you participated in the challenge and shared the many results you saw including improved posture, less knee pain and better-fitting jeans. Each of the Summit 60-finishers below completed the challenge in streaming—from the comfort of their own homes—and have incredible results to share. “I’ve never been so excited by a program and looked forward to workouts. I’ve never felt energized by my workouts, or anything but drained really. I’m so in love with Pvolve” – Christina O.   “My posture is awesome. My skin firmness has improved. I look more alive in the face. I cannot thank Pvolve enough” – Dani M.   “I feel so much stronger and my posture and overall tone of my body have both improved. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time” – Heather D.   “I’ve noticed a major difference in my spine and pelvis alignment. I finally have a mind-body connection.” – Alysha S. The Summit 60 challenge is available in streaming for anyone looking to challenge themselves and learn the method from start to finish. Learn more about our workouts from home here, or get started today with a 14-day free trial. 

Ask Dr. Amy: How Can I Help Improve My Knee Function?

One of the most common pain points in fitness are knee injuries. The knees are often a source of added pressure in workouts—think running, jumping and other high-impact movements that put extra weight into the joints. Functional movements, however, prioritize strengthening and stabilizing the knees through proper form, safe stepping patterns and focusing on the hips. Like Pvolve, knee recovery workouts can help those with past and current injuries, plus prevent future injuries no matter the fitness level. Dr. Amy Hoover, DPT, Chief Physical Therapist and member of the Clinical Advisory Board is diving into how and why the knees are a problem area, and how your workouts can help.  My knees move inward when walking and working out — what can this be from? How can I prevent it? We are all built a little different. Some people have more of a natural angle at the knee which can be inward (valgus) or outward (varus.)  This can also be influenced by the angles of the hips from the pelvis, called the Q angle. Women have a larger Q angle due to a wider pelvis for childbearing.  Another reason for inward knee angles could be functional, stemming from weakness at the hip. When we walk or have to balance on one leg when exercising, it requires our hip muscles to keep the hip stabilized to support our body weight over one leg. When our glutes and hip rotators are weak, we tend to collapse a bit in the hip and the stress of our body weight transfers down into the knee. This can cause the inward angle at the knee. All of these differences may influence your knee alignment during workouts.   We can prevent the functional knee collapse by improving the strength, mobility and stability around the hip joint to better support our weight during functional movements. Many of the moves in Pvolve focus on this concept, and being aware of your knee position can help you focus in on the activation of your hip muscles to improve balance and functional mobility with proper mechanics.  What may cause knee pain during Pvolve workouts? If you are experiencing knee pain during your workouts, consider going back to the fundamentals of the p.stance and p.sit. You should always be able to see your shoelaces if you look down at your foot. If your knee is too far forward, you are not properly aligned. The best way to improve this is to continue to work on the form and improve the hip strength. Modify by not going as deep into the p.sit  Use a mirror to make sure you are keeping the knee back. Check where your tension is by going into a p.sit and then lift your toes. If you can do this, you know your weight is in the heels and you are using your glutes and hip muscles. If you cannot lift your toes you are not in your heels and are likely too far forward.  How can Pvolve help overall with knee function? As a physical therapist, when I rehabilitate knee injuries or surgeries, I always focus on hip strengthening and mobility just as much as the quad and hamstring. Why?  Because the hips are the most dynamic joint of the lower extremity, the most supported by muscle and should be carrying the weight (both literally and figuratively!) If you have strong hips your knees will take much less stress and be able to function at their best. Pvolve aims to do this exact thing. It’s all about functional movement and the foundational moves support and encourage a strong core and hips for this exact reason. Pvolve does also work the quads and hamstrings but in a balanced and more functional way, using whole-body movements. What's the best equipment to use to help knee function? I like the light ankle band and the P.ball because they can really make you focus on the hip muscles throughout the movements and offer progressive resistance (increased tension on the band as you stretch.) I also really love the slant board for hip and knee alignment as you can't stay balanced with your knee forward. It really helps encourage hip and core activation with good lower leg and knee alignment.

The Benefits Of Ankle Weights & How To Use Them

Ankle weights are one of the most essential tools in creating toned, lean legs and a lifted butt. The added weight allows the muscles to activate and work just hard enough to become prominent without breaking down and bulking, allowing you to feel muscles that you normally keep dormant. What are Ankle Weights Good For? Ankle weights help the legs work hard enough without breaking down or enlarging muscles like most weighted exercises do. You can also move around in ankle weights, letting you walk and move from floor work to standing throughout the workout.More movement means more range of motion and more versatile ways to move your legs and glutes. Our program offers two different ankle weights, light and heavy, to give the options of more controlled or added resistance when needed for maximum ankle weight benefits. Changing the weight up in different exercises helps target the tiny hard-to-reach muscles and engage differently with the same movements. As part of the Pvolve Method, we use different weights for different ankle weight workouts to engage a variety of muscles. We offer 1.5-pound and 3-pound ankle weights for different exercises and added resistance, both standing and on the mat. How To Use Ankle Weights Ankle weights can be used in a number of different ways to achieve different results. Changing up the weight with various exercises makes you feel things differently by using different muscles and engaging those hard-to-reach areas. Try using your ankle to activate the hips through propulsion or to activate certain parts of the butt in accelerating and decelerating the motion. Depending on whether you are on the mat doing butt lifts or standing up doing legs lifts, the weight you use makes a difference in where you feel it. For exercises with big ranges of motion, such as a leg lift that is at the end range, keep the weight light to allow you to reach the right muscles and help with balance. With butt lifts, use a medium weight to really make your butt work without putting strain on the back. Use the heaviest weight when doing front raises with thighs, this allows the runway muscles at the top of the thigh and in the front of the hip to become more prominent and to eliminate the bulk in the front of the thigh. Getting Started with Ankle Weight Exercises Try out some of our favorite lower-body workouts using the ankle weights to get started. Around the Clock Tap toe at 12 o’clock and lift leg to a 90 degree angle so it's even with the hip. Open leg to 1 o’clock, squeezing the abs and thigh, then tap back down to starting position. Repeat 8 times on both sides. The Dip Start with leg at a 90 degree angle at hip height. Rotate leg inward at a 45 degree angle, then dip leg down slowly past standing foot and bring back up while squeezing through abs and inner thigh. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Slow and Steady  Start in p.sit position. Squeeze glutes while tapping foot out to the side, then lift leg halfway up before slowly lowering down for 3 counts. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Rotate Twist Start in a p.sit position. Pull knee forward and externally rotate the standing leg hip. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Hinge Lift Start in shifted p.sit position. Lift leg up and slowly drop down while keeping standing leg slightly bent with knee in-line with the heel. Repeat 8 times on both sides.  More Ankle Weight Exercises To take your ankle weight workouts to the next level, check out three of our favorite workouts on our streaming platform: 40-Minute Full Body Flex This will be your new favorite Full Body workout! Zach guidance through these dynamic movements will remind you why you love the gliders, hand weights, and light ankle weights.  Summit 60 - Workout 4: Foundation Sculpt In less than 30 minutes, you'll climb your way through total-body standing and mat movements. Summit 60 - Workout 7: Work the Angles In this summit sculpt, you'll challenge your balance and range of motion led by Maeve. Not a member yet? Start your free trial for access to our library of on-demand classes and start working out with us today.

Ask Dr. Amy: How Can I Incorporate Recovery Days Into My Routine?

We can schedule workout after workout, but it's hardly worth it without proper rest. We hear it often in fitness: "Be sure to rest and recover", but what exactly does that look like?  At Pvolve, we encourage incorporating both rest days and active recovery days into your routine to rest your muscles with gentle, simple movements. Dr. Amy Hoover, DPT, Chief Physical Therapist and member of the Clinical Advisory Board is here with advice on how Pvolve can help with recovery. How do I properly rest my muscles?  Muscles, when worked, need time to rest in order to continue to function properly. It is a simple supply and demand. Though we build strength by loading and challenging the muscles, they need rest to recover. If we work a muscle to the point of failure, it may spasm or tighten up in response. A tight muscle is inherently weak, so this is a sign of overuse.  Feeling a little sore can be normal after a good workout, but tightness is not. If we are properly resting we will feel good and want to move more. We also love pairing workouts with Recover 9. Our new-to-market supplement works to reduce soreness, restore muscle function, and build lean muscle to help you bounce back to your best workout.    How often should rest or recovery days be incorporated into my workout routine? This depends on the intensity of your workouts. You should rest and give your body a break from strengthening at least once per week . Walking or stretching on these days is OK. When doing more intense workouts, you may want to add more rest days in between. Listen to what your body needs.  Is there a difference between active recovery and rest days? A true rest day is just that, meaning no exercise. Active rest days are when you take a break from the intense workouts and just move a little, take a walk, stretch, practice restorative yoga or take a Recover & Stretch class. How can a foam roller help with recovery? The Precision Foam Roller It's an excellent tool for recovery. You can use this to roll out your glutes, quads, calves, hamstrings, even along the sides of the back and shoulders. It’s a great self massage tool to help get the blood flow to the muscles that you target during your workout. You can also do little self mobilizations along the spine. Place the roller perpendicular to the spine at the top of the ribcage or thoracic spine, then gently extend over the roller for a nice spinal stretch. Move the roller down a few inches and repeat through the lower back.

Do These P.3 Moves to Tone Your Back & Shoulders

The P.3 trainer uses dynamic resistance training with a detachable handle and ankle strap to work the entire length of the body. The equipment is so versatile that it allows for movements both standing and on the mat, with countless ways to target different parts of the body.At first glance, the p.3 works the typical areas of the body that Pvolve focuses on: the abs, arms, and glutes. But the back and shoulders are another focal point—one that can help strengthen and define the entire upper body. Plus, working these areas lets you give the thighs and booty a break. Try the moves ahead for an elongating and effective shoulder or back day.Punch It Up Targeted areas: Shoulders, upper back, upper arms, glutes Start in a p.sit. Step attached leg back to 6 o’clock, then bring same side arm up toward the ceiling in a punching motion. Breathe and engage the arms and back with each punch. Return arm back down to shoulder height and leg to starting position. Repeat 8 times on both sides.Press & Rotate Targeted areas: Shoulders, tricep, glutes Start with leg back at 6 o’clock, arms bent above head holding the handle. Rotate hips to 45 degrees, planting foot firmly while bringing arms down and back up to work the triceps. Return back to starting position. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Diagonal Pull Targeted areas: Shoulders, arms, abs, top of thigh Start with handle in opposite hand as attached ankle, palm facing down. Keep arm straight on a diagonal. Slowly bring attached leg up to hip height at a 90 degree angle as opposite arm pulls toward knee before tapping toe back down. Return arm to starting position. Keep resistance on the band the whole time and other arm on hip for support. Repeat 8 times on both sides.P.sit Reach Targeted areas: Shoulders, biceps, abs, glutes Start in a p.sit with one hand gripping the attached handle, palm facing up, and the other holding the detached ball, palm facing up. Keep arms bent at the elbows at a 90-degree angle. Step out wide into a deeper p.sit while pulling handle and ball upwards toward ceiling. Return to original p.sit position, bringing arms back down. Repeat 8 times on both sides.Find more moves with the p.3 here and look out for more p.3 streaming videos on our platform.

Hit These 4 Moves to Tone Up the Love Handles

One of the hardest-to-reach areas of the core is one so many women have trouble toning: the love handles, otherwise known as the obliques. Having a bit extra in this area is totally normal, but finding the right movements to stretch, elongate, and sculpt the obliques is possible—and with the Pvolve Method there’s no harsh crunching required.You'll need three pieces of equipment to complete these moves: the slant board, heavy ankle weights, and the p.ball. Hit each regularly and soon enough, you’ll feel a difference in throughout your obliques.  SIDE HYDRANT Put your heavy ankle weights on and start in a p.sit position on the slant board. Put your right arm up at a 90-degree angle and lift your right leg on an angle at the corner of the board. Lift your right leg to a hydrant position 90-degrees. Squeeze your arm down as you stretch leg back, engaging your right oblique.Repeat 8 times on each side. SUPERWOMAN Ground yourself with both feet on the slant board. Put your arms above your head in superman position level so you can see them in your peripheral vision. Keeping your right leg straight, hover it leg 2-3 inches above the slant board. Lift your right leg and both arms up 1-2 inches making sure your arms don't go behind your ears. Engage your back and side muscles as you work.Complete 8 reps on each side. SIDE PLANK Pull your p.ball up between your thighs and lay on one side. Lift up into a side plank position. Engage your side body and use your top arm to lift up one inch, pause, then return down to neutral. Repeat 8 times on each side. SIDE SQUEEZE Start on your knees with the p.ball on with one leg extended straight to the side and the other bent under hips at 90 degrees. Extend arm straight in the air and lift arm and leg together at the same time, squeezing and engaging your side body. Repeat 8 times on each side.  Not a member yet? Start your free trial for access to our library of on-demand classes and start working out with us today.

5 Reasons Why Fitness is Good for Fertility

While there might not be a single workout or yoga pose that can magically increase your fertility, incorporating regular exercise into your week can absolutely help get your reproductive system on track, relieve stress, and prepare your body for starting a family (one day). Whether you're “trying” or currently “avoiding” you can take care of your reproductive wellness to encourage a healthier version of you. Adding low-impact activity, like the workouts in the Pvolve Method can benefit your fertility, we even have a program designed for people going through the egg stimulation and retrieval process. 1. Working out reduces stress.
 While the jury is still out on whether or not stress directly impacts your reproductive system, there’s still the undeniable reality that when we are stressed, we fall into negative habits that could have an undesirable effect on our fertility (having those extra couple glasses of wine, overeating, under-eating or staying up late scrolling through your phone, for example, can all negatively impact fertility). Regular exercise is a great way to manage stress. As a bonus, group classes or working with a coach can encourage camaraderie, empowerment, and even a support system.  2. Activity can lower your BMI. Women who sit higher (or lower) on the BMI are more likely to have irregular periods. If your periods are irregular or less frequent to do being overweight, it means you aren’t ovulating on a consistent schedule. If you are higher on the Body Mass Index a simple way to get your system back on track is incorporating regular exercise throughout the week.  3. Movement adds some routine into your cycle. Exercise can be a useful tool for regulating your menstrual cycle. If you feel like you can never figure out when your period is going to pop up, you can use exercise 4-5 days a week to help regulate your menstrual cycle. Of course, you don’t want to over work out, which is why having at least a couple of days of rest is important.  4. Low impact activity can relieve period cramps. Oh yes, you read that right. While eating ice cream and binge-watching Netflix might seem like the only thing that’s going to save you when your uterus starts contracting, if you can get off the couch you will likely have better benefits. Getting in at least 30 minutes of low impact aerobic activity has actually shown to help relieve pelvic cramps. This is because working out releases beta-endorphins which act as a sort of morphine and relieves pain. One of the best parts is if you have a normal fitness routine it can prevent PMS cramps from ever showing up at all.  5. Increased blood flow to your uterus. If you have a desk job, it’s likely your seated position is cutting circulation to your pelvic area and reproductive organs. The cure is simply getting up to move on a regular basis with exercise. Working out your entire body gets the blood flowing throughout, including your reproductive system and it works to strengthen muscles surrounding your uterus. An added bonus is that when you get your whole body moving, you can actually increase your libido.