Talking Confidence with Caroline Deisler

Known for her healthy recipes, self-care tips, and rock-solid abs, YouTuber Caroline Deisler is nothing short of a wellness guru.  

We spoke with the London-based influencer to get the scoop on how the Pvolve Method and functional movement fit into her routine. 

Q: How do you fuel your body in a typical day? 

A: I get up around 6AM, do a little morning stretch routine (I always stretch before working out and love the fact that Pvolve promotes that, as well) and have a big glass of water with fresh lemon, one ginger shot and one pure aloe vera shot to get my digestion going. I then do a 30-45 minute workout and have a hydrating green juice with celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and spinach afterwards. I spend about 2 hours on the computer working, mostly replying to emails, then around 11AM I have breakfast which is usually one (or two) of my favorite smoothie bowl recipes

For a late lunch, I love to make big salads lately with roasted sweet potatoes, avocados, lots of greens, tomatoes, cucumber, sprouts and some seeds on top-- something very fresh and healthy. After some more work in the afternoon, I love to go for a long walk before dinner to get some fresh air in and to relax my mind. I love to make vegetable sushi for dinner along with a colourful salad consisting of lots of veggies and potatoes, or something like brown rice pasta. My post-dinner routine is having a hot peppermint and/or liquorice tea with a few dates for dessert–my favorite! Then it’s lights out around 10PM. 

Q: How does Pvolve fit into your lifestyle? 

A: Pvolve complements my wellness routines so perfectly because it's a very mindful workout that helps me connect my mind and body. It actually calms me down while it gets me toned, fit and strong. I also love how easy it is to do from anywhere. It’s kind of addicting!  

Q: Favorite piece of equipment? 

A: I love the ankle bands! I feel like my legs got super toned and lean from using them, and I´m always sore the next day. 

Q: What’s your go-to travel equipment? 

A: The ankle bands, gliders , P.ball and!  

Q: Most challenging move for you? 

A: It´s probably an easy one for most people but I find it so hard to keep my knees back when doing hip hinges.

Q: What are your best tips on feeling confident? 

So many, but it all starts within you. Ever since I changed my diet and lifestyle, I have been so much more confident because I feel really good from the inside, and that automatically reflects on the outside. Be true to who you really are and embrace that. There is nothing more beautiful, in my opinion, than people who really live up to their dreams, people who stand up for what they believe in; those are the ones that inspire us. Nourish your body with nutritious and colorful food, workout because it makes you feel good, incorporate more you-time into your day, and be more mindful about the little things. It all adds up and will ultimately make you so much more confident. No one is like you but you, and that's your superpower!  

We couldn’t agree more with those tips, and that is exactly the message and mindset we hope to instill in all of our members. Fitness is no longer just about liking the way you look, but about loving the way you feel – it's that that will bring you more confidence, vitality, energy and strength. 

Check out Caroline's Instagram and Youtube channel for more wellness inspo and start your free trial to work out with us today.

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