We sat down with Dr. Amy Hoover, Chief Physical Therapist and member of Pvolve Clinical Advisory Board to learn more about the Lower Back Pain Clinical Study, the results that Pvolve participants experienced, and why they are so significant.
Could you tell us a bit about the Lower Back Pain study and how it came about?
The lead researcher of this study, Dr. Ann Van de Winckel from the University of Minnesota, wanted to look at how mindful movements and body awareness affect brain activity and pain levels in people with chronic lower back pain. Pvolve was selected as the exercise comparison group.
Can you help us understand the scale and impact of lower back pain, and why it’s such an important area of study?
4 out of 10 people will experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Many of those cases turn to chronic pain, which can significantly impact daily functions and quality of life.
In 2022 the CDC stopped recommending opiods for back pain. Why is that significant? How has that decision impacted this area of study and patients?
Opioids and other pain medication have often been used to treat lower back pain. This is usually just a quick fix and does not get to the root cause, so when you stop using them, the pain returns. The move away from opioids has shown that we need more lasting and effective ways to treat lower back pain. Studies like this show that doing the work and putting the time in to change movement patterns and improve awareness of posture can improve even chronic lower back pain without the need for pain medication!
Who was recruited for this study? Can you tell us about the participants?
The inclusion criteria required the participants be between 18-75 years old and have non-specific lower back pain for at least 3 months that was rated at or above a 4/10. They could not have any neurological symptoms and could not be under the current care of a provider for their back pain. They also have not been exercising regularly in the past year.
What was the Pvolve protocol for participants?
16 people were randomly assigned to work through Pvolve’s Lower Back Support Series. They moved through the first workout of the series in person, with hands-on cueing and form correction from an instructor. They then streamed and completed the workouts independently at home at least 3 times per week for about 40 minutes over a period of 12 weeks. For the first 6 weeks, they practiced the first 3 workouts of the series and then progressed to the next 3 workouts for the second half of the study.
What is the Lower Back Support Series like? Can you tell us about it?
The Lower Back Support Series is a progressive program of 6 workouts. It starts out on the mat with slow and intentional muscle activations to build core muscle control, and gradually progresses to standing, dynamic, whole body exercises. The program focuses on opening and activating the hips and core and improving posture to support a healthy spine, which in turn helps significantly reduce pain.
What equipment was used in the study?
The study used our proprietary P.ball, which assists in activating the muscles of the inner thighs, pelvic floor, glutes, and hips - all muscles that play a part in building core stability and strength, which is an essential component of reducing back pain. The P.ball is also an amazing tool for deepening people’s connection with their bodies, as it provides tactile feedback to the musculature of the lower body and core, ultimately helping people move safely and intentionally by connecting their mind to their muscles.
What results did the participants experience?
All of the participants in the study improved their back pain, and nearly 20% of participants completely eliminated it! They also improved their ability to complete daily tasks that were previously difficult. They also increased their core muscle strength. These results are incredible, especially considering that they had been in pain for months before starting this program. This shows that following the Pvolve Lower Back Support Series program can improve lower back pain even for those who have been in pain for some time, and it can be done right at home.
As a physical therapist, you must see a lot of people with back pain. Help us understand the significance of these results.
I have seen many people with chronic lower back pain over the years. I think what people want the most is guidance and very detailed instruction on how to exercise to improve pain and not make it worse. The Lower Back Support Series program delivers that, as the results have shown. Many people with back pain may have poor awareness of their posture or how their body moves and works. This series teaches connection to support healthy and balanced movement for spinal health. Moving mindfully in the workouts translates to moving mindfully in daily life, as the exercises are based on functional movement.
One of the results mentioned a 96% adherence with no adverse effects. What does 96% adherence mean? Why is this important?
This means that the participants were engaged with the workouts and had high compliance with completing what was asked of them, with no side effects. This is a powerful message, as it shows that they found the Lower Back Support Series program easy to follow, simple to complete, and rewarding in results.
One of the outcomes of the study was particularly meaningful for the participants. Can you elaborate?
There were several questionnaires used to gauge individual progress for each of the participants. One of these questionnaires, called the Patient Specific Functional Task, asks each participant at the start of the study to list their own personal functions or activities that are difficult for them to do as a result of their back pain. The results measured showed huge improvements in the tasks that were most important to them. The impact that the Pvolve Lower Back Support Series program had on their individual goals is invaluable, and a testament to how much this program really made an impact on their daily lives.
What’s the take-home message for someone interested in Pvolve? What can they understand from the study results?
These results reveal the huge impact that the Pvolve Lower Back Support Series has on those who have not found success with traditional fitness methods, or have been tentative to try exercise. These specialty programs are expertly curated and thoughtfully designed to address unique needs, and the method as a whole is deeply based on correct body movements to facilitate a balanced body. I truly believe that this method is accessible for anyone who is looking for a fitness solution, from those that are new to fitness to those who are more advanced, at all ages and stages of life.
Did Pvolve pay to participate or sponsor the study?
This study was funded by a grant awarded to the University of Minnesota, so Pvolve did not pay to participate in or sponsor this study. We did provide personnel and time to support the study, and we purchased a cushion mat and a P.ball for each participant in the Pvolve group.
To check out Pvolve’s Lower Back Support Series, click here.